Geographical Identification of Atreyapuram Coating flakes

Atreyapuram is a rare gem

Hello Telugu - Atreyapuram Coating Flakes

Atreyapuram in Andhra Pradesh is the first place that comes to mind when it comes to Coating flakes. Not only in the two Telugu states but also throughout the country and the world, the coating flakes made from here are very famous. Recently, Atreyapuram coating petals got rare recognition. At the same time, it has been identified geographically. The coating foils are registered in the Geographical Indications Registry of the Department for Promotion of Industries and Internal Trade under the Central Government.

Acknowledgment of manufactured goods is common. Atreyapuram Coating Flakes is already gaining huge popularity. Coating flakes lovers mostly like the ones made in Atreyapuram. Priority is given to eating them. Meanwhile, Dr. BR Ambedkar’s Sir Arthur Cotton Cooperative Society of Atreyapuram, Konaseema District, has applied for Geographical Identification (GI).

Central department in this regard. In the journal Geographical Indications (GI) released on February 13, Atreyapuram announced the identification of the Coating flakes. The deadline for receipt of objections is set for June 13. It has been clarified that no one or any coated foil manufacturing associations, manufacturers, and organizations have raised any objections. The Arthur Cotton Coatings Co-operative Society has revealed that no objections have been received so far.

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