Covid19 : Corona Cases have Increased Again

Concern with 199 new cases

Hello Telugu - Covid19

The number of cases is increasing even though Corona is on the decline, causing some concern. The Center has already taken all the steps. The respective states and Union Territories have been alerted. Recently the Union Ministry of Family and Health has made an important announcement. It has been revealed that 199 cases have been registered in the last 24 hours. The Center has already issued orders to make necessary arrangements and infrastructure. It has released guidelines regarding the prevention of Corona.

It is stated that two people have lost their lives due to Corona. With this, the number of people who have died due to the corona epidemic in the country in the last two years has reached 5,31,836 people. It is noteworthy that the number of people who have been infected with Corona and received treatment till now is 4 crore 49 lakh people. That means 4,49,92,293 people according to the details disclosed by the Union Ministry of Family and Health.

Meanwhile, in terms of active loans, it has decreased from 2,831 to 2,687, according to the data released by the Union Ministry on Thursday. The health department clarified that the national covid recovery rate is 98.81 percent while the total infections are 0.01 percent. The increase in the number of people affected by the disease to 4,44,57,720 is a good sign.

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