Smita Sabharwal is a people person and officer.

Smita Sabharwal is 45 years old

Smita Sabharwal is an unknown name in Telangana. Husband IPS. Wife is IAS. Currently holding a key senior position. Her birthday is June 19. Age 45 years. Recognized as People’s Officer. During the movement, the mothers of the martyrs were admitted there. They were respected. Born in Darjeeling in 1977. An officer of the Telangana cadre in 2001. He is more recognized for being with people, listening to their problems, and solving them.

She belongs to a Bengali army family. Studied at St Ann’s School, Secunderabad. Topper in ICSE. Graduated in Commerce from St. Francis College for Women. Prepared for UPSC in 2000. Written the exam. Got the fourth rank in All India. She was 22 years old then.

Trained in Mussoorie in 2001. Completed training in Adilabad district. Took charge as Sub Collector (IAS) Madanapalli of Chittoor District. Worked as PD of DRDA, Kadapa. Warangal Municipal Commissioner. Fund Your City program was launched there. Smita Sabharwal worked as Deputy Commissioner in Commercial Taxes Department in Visakhapatnam. Kurnool is the joint collector.

After that, she worked as JC in Hyderabad. She was the District Collector of Karimnagar in 2011. A lot of focus has been put on the health and education sector. Known as Amma Lalana. Received PM award. The voter festival was organized to increase the polling percentage. After the formation of Telangana in 2014, she was the District Collector of Medak. Received many awards. Overall, she is recognized as a people’s person and an officer.


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