Raghunath Comment : Golli Soda is a winning story

Tula Raghunath is the seat of victory

Tula Raghunath from Karimnagar in Telangana has proved that success can be achieved if you think a little differently. He also gave up lakhs of IT salary per year. Focused on his own business. Golly soda business that everyone looks down on. It may sound strange but it is true. He proved that if you work hard you can achieve anything and grow as a businessman. Top job in Deloitte which is known as the top company in IT. But Raghunath was not satisfied at all. Instead of working under someone else’s hand, he could not sit still thinking about what it would be like to be his own boss.

They are at home. Friends and relatives showered questions on why he left a good job. But we didn’t give up. Raghunath proved that success can be achieved no matter how difficult the determination is. Proved in practice that there is no such thing as impossible. He moved ahead of anyone. Goli Soda decided to start a business. But to start at least Rs. 30 lakhs is required. Job left. Only a few are in hand if combined with existing ones. He also touched the existing house. At last, he did what he thought. The same mast took shape as the Goli Soda business.

Goli Soda gradually gained popularity. The business has reached the level of supplying all over Karimnagar district. Slowly the income trail took hold. It has grown from one person to providing employment to 100 people. Now Goli Soda is available in many flavors one by one. Gas is less in foreign Drinks. But goli soda has more gas which is an added benefit in terms of health. Apart from glass bottles, Tula Raghunath is now selling Mast Goli soda in plastic bottles as well. Now Goli Soda started by him has become an inspiration for everyone today. This businessman is providing the latest technology without any compromise in taste, cleanliness and quality. He says Goli soda is better than IT. Better to find a way to stand on our own feet than to wait for someone to give us a job.

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