Court Web Series 2014 Sensation on Netflix

Streaming on Netflix

Netflix continues to be at the top of the OTT platform. Now focusing on different topics. The other day, a woman journalist was jailed on baseless charges and eventually released. It came as a scoop. Netflix is ​​careful to watch love, sex, scams and emotions. Recently chose a different story. Same Court 2014. Currently available.

For those who are limited to only movies, Netflix, Amazon Prime and Aha are giving priority to thought provoking stories. Some focus on entertainment while others only look at serious stories. In this the Court 2014 has now given way to the discussion. It is available in Marathi, English and Hindi languages.

The story is about a folk singer who is arrested for inciting the suicide of a sewage worker through politically and socially charged songs. The arguments and scenes that took place on the occasion of his appearance in the court are impressive. Veera Satidar, Vivek Gombar, Geetanjali Kulkarni, Pradeep Joshi, Shirish Pawar and Usha Bane have played their roles in this.



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